International Women in Engineering Day, 23 June 2019
21st June 2019 - Written by Geraldine Boylan

Celebrating International Women in Engineering Day on 23 June 2019, Mabbett are proud to say we buck the U.K.’s 11% trend [Ref 1], with over 23% of our technical STEM staff being female. Mabbett are a 42-strong consultancy team of Safety, Environment and Engineering professionals headquartered in Scotland and working the U.K., Ireland and internationally.
To inspire future generations, Mabbett run a Women in STEM group, see above picture [initiated via our male Managing Director, Derek J. McNab!] and provide opportunities for our female staff in particular to “see and be seen” by schoolchildren (both male and female).
Schoolchildren are key in the balance agenda for the future, making curriculum subject choices at ages of 14/15 which can stream them towards engineering and science careers.
We undertake judging at Go4Set STEM competitions, (for 11-13 year olds) and by doing so, providing female STEM role models for upcoming engineers and scientists. Our team are as inspired by seeing the kids’ projects as the kids are buzzed by presenting their projects at the regional and national finals!
Our team diversity brings an above-U.K. average percentage of female engineers and scientists – we are proud that our company performance reflects this too. After all, it’s been shown that diversity matters: companies are 15% more likely to perform better if they are gender diverse; the Mabbett team (average performance of 20% growth year on year for 10 years) are proof of this [Ref 2].
Our company includes male and female engineers, scientists and support staff – whom all work together day in day out regardless of gender, bringing out the best in each other as we are one team. Our diversity translates into great client service, and a high-performance company environment. As an example of positive impact, the team have delivered well over 350,000 tonnes of identified CO2e savings over the last 5 years – helping reduce the impact of climate change.
Maybe this is more of a Scottish or British trait, but our people tend to be more self-effacing than the average, so it’s left to others to sing the praises of our excellent team.
To both our ladies and gentlemen colleagues in engineering and science – you are a credit to your profession, role model to others and a credit to Mabbett and our clients! You are the living change towards equality and diversity. Thank you.
In the run up to International Women in Engineering Day, our female engineers and scientists will share personal stories via LinkedIn. Please like/share to pass these stories on to those who may be inspired to join in this exciting and important profession for the future of our changing planet.
Ref 1: 2017 surveys indicated 11% of the engineering workforce was female Women in STEM workforce, WISE Campaign, 2017
Ref 2: Why Diversity Matters article, McKinsey & Co, January 2015